International Activities and Contacts

Wesak Celebration | April 22nd-24th 2024

2024-04-15T16:14:15+02:00March 19th, 2024|

Wesak Celebration The Light of consciousness opening to the manifestation of the Good Three days service experience and psychospiritual work. The full moon of Taurus, or the Wesak Festival, can be considered the most important spiritual event of the year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world and is connected [...]

Meditation practice – German language | Erfahrung der Kreativen Meditation | 8-14 September 2024

2024-02-19T21:27:57+01:00July 15th, 2023|

Das Neue Wir - Vereint den Wandel kreieren Eine Woche der Kreativen Meditation / Gruppenerfahrung Die Welt scheint aus den Fugen geraten. Kriege rund um den Globus, eine neue Auseinandersetzung zwischen Ost und West, klimatische Veränderungen, die immer spürbarer werden, Menschen die aus unterschiedlichsten Gründen ihre Heimat verlassen müssen und in anderen Ländern [...]

International Focaliser School | Begins April 29th, 2024

2024-02-05T16:18:53+01:00March 21st, 2023|

The power of Groups Any project, goal or objective seems more attainable if a group of people, seeing themselves existing within a larger interdependent system, wholeheartedly commit themselves to accomplish it. Teams and groups committed to the common good are increasingly becoming an essential dimension of human expression and impact, whether in organisations, [...]

We are the Path | September 24 – 27, 2023

2024-02-19T21:10:47+01:00March 20th, 2023|

We are the path Invitation to meet in the name of Those who guide and assist us from the world of Souls. Let us gather to create together a space of love and contact with the Realms of our true self. Let us be inspired and filled with all we need to fulfill [...]

Die Kreative Meditation als Tor zum Gruppenbewusstsein

2019-07-17T13:58:57+02:00July 28th, 2018|

Es lohnt sich zu erkennen, dass eine Gruppe nicht nur einfach ein Ort oder eine Ansammlung von Menschen ist. Sie ist auch ein Entwicklungsfeld des Bewusstseins, das neuen Ideen und Wegen des Seins Geburtsstätte bildet. Kreative Meditation ist die Kunst und die Wissenschaft, vollständige „lebendige Gedankenformen“ zu [...]

Meditación y Vida Cotidiana

2019-07-17T13:58:58+02:00July 28th, 2018|

"Para contemplar con los ojos del corazón, para escuchar con los oídos del corazón al rugido del mundo, para mirar hacia el futuro con la comprensión del corazón; recordar las acumulaciones del pasado a través del corazón; por lo tanto debe uno impetuosamente avanzar en el sendero de ascenso".  (Agni Yoga - Corazón [...]

Guided Tours

2024-02-12T15:21:40+01:00July 27th, 2018|

Participate to a Guided tour to better know the Community, its centres and the inspirational model permeating its life. Guided tours are offered and organized by the Welcome Centre. It is necessary to book the visits in advance, writing at   Guided tours 2024 February, [...]

Light Your Fire

2023-06-24T22:43:20+02:00July 23rd, 2018|

July 21st– 28th 2019 / 7 days of co-creative experience exploring the community life An individual and group co-creative experience exploring the life of the Community and the applied Teachings of Psychosynthesis and Living Ethics Course overview Know, listen, exchange, play, dance, think, meditate, cooperate, [...]

The Seven Psychological Types in Client Work

2023-06-24T22:42:28+02:00July 15th, 2018|

5 - 7 June 2019 _ Seminar, open to all The new psychology will be based on an understanding of the seven psychological types - also known as the seven rays. This workshop will show you how to test and work with your client’s personality - [...]

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