Dear Brothers and Sisters on the Path,

Please join the Libra Equinox Silent Circle Gathering

on September 22nd, Sunday at 18:00 GMT/UTC
(check time in your timezone here)

for simultaneous meditation on the seed thought:

“Synthesis Is – Unity must be created”
(suggested by the Eastern Circle of Groups)

This meditation will focus on preparation for the World Servers Festival Week in December 2019.

The Gathering will follow this outline:

  1. Welcome (in Russian, English & Spanish).
  2. Sounding intention/Seed thought in different languages.
  3. Silent meditation.
  4. Great Invocation in Seven languages.

On September 24th, Tuesday at 18:00 GMT/UTC

please join a follow up Sharing Circle meeting


to share impressions and ideas how we could maintain efficient intergroup alignment and coordination in preparation and during the Festival Week in December.

Translation between English, Spanish and Russian will be provided.