Guzzi’s presence at the Conference will represent a very important moment of encounter between a Christian thinker and the teaching of Agni Yoga


We recently received the agreement to participate by Marco Guzzi, philosopher and poet, well known to the Italian public for his intense activity as radio host, lecturer and writer and in particular, for his commitment to promoting an ethical life through his thought and active testimony.

Guzzi will present to the Conference his vision of new ethics, in which humanity will come to embrace the Cosmos, through the questions that Mauro Ventola, director of the Psychosynthesis Center in Naples, will ask him. We draw a brief profile of Guzzi from the conversation he had with Ventola, which will appear in the book At The Heart of The Matter, which is about to come out in the New Era Editions.

Marco Guzzi (1955), poet and philosopher, is married and has three children. In 1999 he founded the inner liberation groups «Darsi pace». From 1985 to 1998 he conducted some of the main dialogue programs with the public of Radio-Rai, such as Dentro la sera, 3131, Sognando il giorno. Between 1985 and 2002 he directed the poetic and philosophical seminars of the Eugenio Montale International Center in Rome. In 2005 he began his teaching career at the Claretianum, Institute of theology of consecrated life at the Lateran University. Since 2008 he has been invited professor of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Salesian Pontifical University. In 2009 Benedict XVI appointed him a member of the Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuous at the Pantheon. He is the author of numerous volumes, both in the poetic and theoretical spheres.

We believe that Guzzi’s presence at the Conference will represent a very important moment of encounter between a Christian thinker and the teaching of Agni Yoga, creating a further opening towards the culture of cosmic consciousness, an opening of consciousness to which humanity is destined.

Four experiential workshops are also being prepared, which will be open to all participants in the Conference on Friday and Saturday afternoons. The topics covered range from the relationship of the Etruscans with the Cosmos, to the experience of sound in the Teaching of Agni Yoga, to the meaning of Lucifer in the evolution of humanity, and to the legacy of Elena Roerich in her last Indian home in Crookety.

The workshops will be presented both in Italian and English, so that participants can follow them without the need for simultaneous translation. They will constitute intense experiences in consciousness, through essential and meaningful stimuli, at the end of which general sharing is foreseen.

The workshop conductors include (in alphabetical order): Alena Adamkova, Franco Anesi, Francesca Barbagli, Fiorenza Bortolotti, Leili Khosravi, Mariagrazia Sassi and Luciano Vagni.

To learn more about the conference, see also: