

Dr. Nader Butto, born in Nazareth, Israel. He graduated from Medical school in Torino, Italy, in 1983, completed his cardiology specialization in Israel in 1992 and in 1995 and his training in Advanced Invasive Cardiology in France. Presently he is working in the Rabin Medical Center, his main work at the hospital is invasive cardiology and coronary angioplasty.

Since medical school, Dr. Butto has emphasized the importance of the spiritual aspect and has been drawn towards holistic medicine. After specializing in cardiology, he has continued to seek knowledge that will fill the gaps of conventional medicine.

Over the past few years, Dr. Butto has been giving lectures and practical workshops to psychologists, physicians, and therapists on his method “Unified Integrative Medicine” in Israel, Italy, and Spain Germany, Switzerland. In October 1998, his book first was published in Italy which become best seller since 1999. Since then he published four more books in Italian and Hebrew.


His Method was born with the intention of proposing a scientific and totally innovative system of interpretation of life, events, physical phenomena of the microcosm and of the macrocosm, of illness, of health and of happiness. The goal is to lead the patient to a growing awareness and release from suffering.


Some of Nader Butto’s books:

  1. Il Settimo Senso, Ed. Mediterranee
  2. Il Codice Umano, 2009-2016, Ed. Il Giardino dei Libri
  3. Unified Integrative Medicine: A new Holistic model for personal growth and spiritual evolution (English Edition) [Formato Kindle], Ed. Authorhouse, 2014
  4. Seven Universal Principles and the Seventh Sense: A New Paradigm of Future’s Medicine, Ed. Authorhouse, 2015
