Macaco TamericeA true group experience is when you are contemporarily yourself, more than you have ever been before and in the same time completely the group, when your own dreams are really strong and totally embedded in the dreams of the group, when the direction of your own inspiration is the group inspiration.




Macaco Tamerice
Macaco works as an ambassador for Damanhur and is the Coordinator of International Community Relations. In 2008, she became Vice President of GEN-Europe, in 2010 was elected President, staying in office until 2015. She is now serving on the Advisory Board of GEN- International and is President of the NGO Damanhur Education. Macaco is an international speaker, facilitator and Gaia Education Educator. A trained singer, she is ‘singing with the plants’ interacting with them through the Musicoftheplants device produced in Damanhur. She is fluent in five languages and trained in community-building and conflict resolution.