Was born in Haarlem (the Netherlands) in 1951. He studied theoretical physics at the Free University of Amsterdam and ITEP (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics) in Moscow (PhD. in 1980). He lived and worked for 30 years in France where he divided his time between two projects: a meditative and cultural community seeking a synthesis between science and art, and as senior developer of an IT development house. Since the age of 18, the common thread in his life has been the teaching of Alice Bailey,  theosophy and Agni Yoga.

Since 2012, he is the Director of Lucis Trust / World Goodwill in Geneva (https://www.lucistrust.org). He has given several conferences on philosophical and scientific themes in France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Russia, Spain, Italy and the United States.

Recently, he was on the board of directors of The International Science Foundation (http://isciencefoundation.org/), a research association in solar physics (SAFIRE Project).

All his life, Mintze tried to synthesize science, art, philosophy and education.