Carlos Rosado is one of the founders and leads of GEM – Grupo de Estudos Maitreya (Maitreya Study Group). The group was established in Portugal in 1981, initially to support esoteric training at a local level and some months later expanding to work with several other Portuguese and international spiritual groups through intergroup cooperation.

Carlos’ life has always involved spirituality. Since 1982, his heart has been linked to Agni Yoga Teaching, through the very first book that fell ‘by chance’ into his hands: «Cuore» of the Agni Yoga Series (Italian version).

He has participated in several international meetings as one of the GEM representatives, including international Corona Mundi meetings held in Geneva with other Agni Yoga groups. His efforts seek to support the establishment of new schools of meditation around the world.

He lives in joy and love, having a close interest in music, mathematics, poetry and quantum physics. He is inspired by Ageless Wisdom and Agni Yoga, which he teaches, with special focus on the science of the soul, yoga sutra of Patanjali, the stages of discipleship, creative meditation, and the science of the antahkarana.

He has a degree in electrotechnical engineering and worked in computer science for several years. He has taken part in conferences, and has lectured about computer science, telecommunications, and hyper frequencies. His main role has been to lead, train and coordinate activities of various working groups in different areas of knowledge. In the latest years the main focus of his work has been delivering Raja and Agni Yoga training.